Friday, August 17, 2012

"Anti-Semite Hungarian politician an outcast after discovering his Jewish roots

The Religion of Politics

I read the post title courtesy of the global mail online ( and I could hardly believe it. It is unbelievable the world that we actually live in. A world where one is allowed to emulate a terrorist. I mean, that is exactly what Hitler would have been if he lived at this day and age. I didnt believe that of all the things I thanked Hitler for, this would be undermined. I had thought his reign of terror had taught the world the evils of racial or religious hate, and the scary section of the extreme fanatism of it all.

And here comes some ridiculous people trying to get political tractions on the same ideology. Mr Szegedi (Pictured above with the Schwartsticker and Hitler) was a poster boy for a neo-Nazi group in Hungary. His biggest ticket to a EU seat was his hate for the Jews, and blaming them for the economic desperity that is Hungary. What is it with the Jews that make grown men feel their inedaquacy? Anyways, so in this rather surreal tale, Mr. Szegedi found himself alienated by his so- called brother (His party) who had united under the mutual-hate of Jews, because it was discovered that he is actually JEWISH. But wait for it, that is not all in this rather Hollywood-like story, Mr. Szegedi is not only Jewish, by Jewish laws but his GRANDMOTHER was a holocaust SURVIVOR. I honestly have no idea how that kinda thing would have skipped the woman's mind, because she allegedly never revealed it to her precious grandson. You would think she would be a champion against such primitive ideas and ashamed that her grandson wouldnt learn a lesson she was taught the hard way. So now that Mr. Szegedi has no friends because of his actual heritage, which by the way is only detected by Jewish Laws (Because, you see, in Judaism, you are Jewish as long as you are mother was), he has gone back to his word and supposingly said that he was never anti-semitic to begin with...really.. at least fall with dignity! So much for personal beliefs!
Anyways the reason I chose to blog about this story is because it reminded me on the absudity of people claiming politics and religion are separate. Surely history has and continue to teach us different. Throughout religion has been the instrument politicians use to get ahead. It is the rallying spirit for the power hungry. We saw it on Hitler, George IV even the Pope. I know its stepping on toes when I say that, but the history of catholism has that written all over it. We have the Christian movement gaining popularity after the presecutions, and then we have the Roman empire wanting to keep peace. So what do they do, they combine the Christian Ideologies with the Roman norms and form  a powerful machine: the Roman Catholic. We have traditions such as Sunday worshipping being borned and such, nothing to do with beliefs or anything.
Of course there is always some religious fanatic using political forum to advance his religious hate, but rarely.... Feel free to comment with examples. It always seem to be power mongers distorting religious beliefs to their own ends. IT is disgusting!!! Let us please learn from the disaster that was the 'racial cleansing' and refuse for parties like Jojobiek; where Mr. Szegedi was a poster boy, to exist.

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